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iOS app: Monitors

The Monitors tab in the Site24x7 iOS app allows you to track and manage the performance of your IT infrastructure. Monitors play a vital role in ensuring that your websites, servers, applications, and network devices are running smoothly. This document covers how to navigate the Monitors tab, utilize various monitoring types, and interpret performance reports. You will also learn how to access the outage history, configuration error details, and process lists for servers. Whether you're seeking to create a new monitor or troubleshoot issues, our step-by-step instructions and tips will empower you to maintain optimal operational efficiency.

Select Monitors from the bottom navigation bar to navigate tot he Monitor page.

By clicking the down arrow next to Monitors Types, you can choose the filter from the following options:

  • Monitors
  • Monitor Types
  • Monitor Groups


Any resource whose performance needs to be tracked is considered a monitor in Site24x7. A monitor can be a website, a server, a network device, an application, or any component in your IT infrastructure that needs monitoring. 

The top panel shows the total number of monitors, including those that are down, in critical condition, experiencing trouble, up, suspended, under maintenance, in the discovery phase, or have a configuration error.

Clicking on a specific monitor will take you to the Monitor Details page. 


You can filter the summary of the monitor based on the time-period.

  • SUMMARY: Provides the summary of the monitor based on the monitor type, which includes the availability and the downtime based on location and the RCA report.
    • PDF Generation: Click the graph iOS Graph icon icon to navigate to the Performance Report screen. This is applicable only for monitors that have performance reports.
  • OUTAGES HISTORY: Specify the duration during which the monitor is unavailable.
  • INVENTORY: Capture the basic monitor information and its various configuration settings, including monitor groups, licensing categories, check frequency, notification profile, and more.
  • LOG REPORT: Access detailed log information for the monitor over a custom time frame. Additionally, you can filter the log based on time.
  • CONFIGURATION ERROR DETAILS: Get information about configuration errors associated with the monitor. By understanding these errors, you can resolve issues and make your monitor work properly. This tab will be displayed only for monitors with configuration errors.

The below tabs are available for server monitors:

  • PROCESSES: Retrieve a list of processes currently running on your Windows server.
  • NETWORK: Access network statistics, including speed, bandwidth, data sent and received, packets sent and received, and details on any error packets.
  • DISKS: View the available disk space on your servers. 
  • PLUGINS: Obtain a list of plugins available on the server, along with their status. 
  • CHECKS: Check the list of resource checks that are available on the server. 

Click on Settings > Tools to view a complete list of services and processes running on your server, along with their CPU usage (%), memory usage (%), handle count, thread count, and instances. This action will display the Processor Viewer page with all the mentioned details.

To access additional features in the monitors, long press the monitor, and you will have the below options:

  • Poll Now: Click the Poll Now option to monitor your selected monitor based on the on-demand check. This report is helpful for immediate troubleshooting or verifying the status after an alert.
  • Suspend: Click the Suspend option to stop the activities of a particular monitor temporarily.
  • Delete: Click the Delete option to remove a monitor.

Monitor Settings

Alter your monitor settings by selecting the settings Settings Icon iOS icon in the Monitor Details page. 

  • Poll Now: Click on the Poll Now option to monitor your selected monitor based on the on-demand check. This report is helpful for immediate troubleshooting or verifying the status after an alert.
  • Schedule Maintenance: Click Schedule Maintenance to schedule maintenance for a particular monitor and select a time for it.
  • Suspend: Click the Suspend option to stop the activities of a particular monitor temporarily.
  • Delete: Click the Delete option to remove a monitor.

Quick Add Monitor

Click the Quick Add Monitor Quick Add Monitor Icon icon to add a monitor instantly. You can use this option to set up web and internet service monitors by configuring your domain or website URL. This helps you discover and set up all the related services for your website.

Monitor Types

Categorizes monitors based on the functionality and purpose of the monitors with monitor types.  It groups the monitors under a specific type, such as Real User Monitors, SOAP Web Services, SSL/TLS Certificate, and so on.

Click Monitors and Monitor Types option is the default option from the drop-down list.

This screen displays the number of monitors for each type and specifies how many are in Up, Trouble, Critical, and Maintenance states. 

Monitor Groups

Group your monitored resources for better organization using monitor groups. Click the down arrow next to Monitors icon and select the Monitor Groups option from the drop-down list.

This screen categorizes the monitors based on their groups. Clicking on the group will display the list of monitors based on the groups. 

  • NOC View

    Displays the real-time status of monitors in the monitor group on a single, scroll-free dashboard using NOC View. Each monitor is shown as a tile with unique color codes indicating its real-time status. We can display up to 1K monitors on a NOC. If the limit is exceeded, filters will be applied to ensure optimized performance. Clicking a tile displays the monitor details. 

    Each monitor's status is color-coded, and you can search for a monitor in the group or filter the monitor based on its status, such as Down, Trouble, Critical, Maintenance, Configuration Error, Suspend, and Up. This app provides the option to zoom in and zoom out in NOC View.

    Following are the steps for accessing the NOC View.

    1. Go to Monitors (Monitors) and select Monitor Groups from the drop-down.

    2. Select the desired monitor group.

    3. Select the NOC View (NOC View Icon) icon from the top left corner of the screen, and the NOC view will be displayed.

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